Though it is a R-rated movie in which there are a bit bloody and crude, it is hilarious and full of tons of beautiful action. 虽然这是一部有些血腥和粗口的R级片,但却非常滑稽,充满了大量的漂亮动作。
As we commemorate milestones in global development for older persons, let us recommit to the full implementation of the Madrid Plan of Action. 在我们纪念老年人在全球发展的里程碑时,让我们再次承诺全面实施《马德里行动计划》。
This electric motor is working in full under the action of heavy current. 在强电流的作用下,这台电机正以满荷运行。
In this situation, you can take a standard action or a full attack action as normal. 在此状况下,你可以如平常使用标准动作或全力攻击。
There is no "delay" the end of the hard links, carried out in advance of the javelin accelerated destruction of the "full bow" action forced the formation and links the order and so on. 没有“延缓”末端环节的用力,提前对标枪进行了加速,破坏了“满弓”动作的形成和环节用力的顺序等现象。
In Fearless, Li's new Chinese-language film, the star gets to showcase the full range of his action characterization& all while kicking butt in cathartically violent ways. 在他最新的电影《霍元甲》中,李连杰全面展示了他的武打特色&从头到尾的打斗,激烈而流畅。
On the financial side, government needs the assurance that it can fund its epidemic preparedness plans in full, especially in these first days when fast action is essential. 在融资方面,政府需要保证流行病准备计划得到充足的资金,尤其是在快速采取行动十分重要的初期阶段。
It is suggested that the regular support is reguired in order to replenish and renew the data in it and make full use of the authoritative action of the data bank acting as an information center of the national coal quality data. 提出了需要领导部门的支持,才能使库的数据源得到不断补充和更新,充分发挥数据库作为全国煤质数据资料信息中心的权威作用。
Water as an important part in urban ecological system, a great attention to its giving full play to remarkable ecological function and action is being more and more paid. 作为城市生态系统中的一个重要组分,水体如何在城市建设中发挥显著的生态功能和作用,已经越来越为人们所重视。
It's a comedy about the police, set in a quiet location in the countryside, but full of action. 这是一部围绕警察生活的喜剧,影片在一个安静乡村拍摄但片中有各种惊险刺激动作展现。
In this regard, we commend South Africa for the full implementation of the eThekwini Action Plan. 为此,我们赞赏南非全面落实德班行动计划。
It is the successful experience of market economy in western countries to keep the relevant micro-economy with market economy, to make full use of the positive action of market economy and macro-adjustment and set up and perfect the proper system of politics, culture and social security. 保持与市场经济相适应的微观经济基础,充分发挥市场机制与政府宏观调控多只手的积极作用,建立与完善相关的政治、文化、社会保障体系是现代西方国家市场经济的主要成功经验。
The phase of double feet uphold process in the back sliding shot putting is an important and difficulty progress in full action. 推铅球的滑步双支撑阶段是完整动作的重点和难点之一,这一阶段起着承上(滑步)启下(最后用力)的作用。
In order to make full use of down-hole hydraulic energy and improve penetrating efficiency by means of combined action of water jet and cutting tooth, a ultra-high pressure dual-flow channel PDC bit is designed. 为了充分有效地利用井底水力能量,使水射流与切削齿联合作用破碎岩石,提高破岩效率,设计了超高压双流道PDC钻头。
E-commerce in the domestic market in full swing contrast, Sichuan Post which has been promising to turn into beautiful e-commerce business industry, but it does take a step slow pace of action. 在国内电子商务市场如火如荼的对比下,四川邮政这个被业界一直看好能华丽转身成为电子商务的航母企业性产业,却迟迟迈不动步伐。
The dilemma of U-S symbiotic cooperation is characterized as a complex generation mechanism which results not only from the orderly structural factors in organizational behaviors at universities and schools but from the actors 'unordered and non-structural factors full of strategies in action area. U-S共生性合作困境具有复杂的生成机理,它不仅是大学和中小学组织行为中各种有序的结构性因素影响的结果,更是行动领域中行动者无序的、充满策略性的非结构性因素作用的产物。
Our personal projects hoop sets in musical style failed to take full advantage of the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture; musical style action choreography style inconsistent; musical selection too constrained by the instrument characteristics, tedious modeling. 6. 我国个人项目圈操成套中音乐风格未能充分利用中国的传统文化特点,音乐风格与动作编排风格不一致,音乐选配太过受制于器械特点,乏味模式化。